ANPR – automatic number plate recognition, also known as LPR- licence plate recognition has been developed and designed so that the software can accurately monitor and capture number plates of vehicles entering/exiting their property. It is now essential for businesses to monitor vehicle movement since it not only assists as a valuable security tool to maintain safety and security onsite, but to ensure workplace productivity is improved and your premises are effectively monitored.
Our systems provide extremly accurate and precise imaging as we use high resolution ANPR cameras. The cameras take images and store these on a database,the software cross references these plates in the database and any blacklisted plates will be sent as an alert.
The highly intelligent software in addition offers a lot more:
Added benefits
- Car park management
- Recognition of clients vehicles as they drive in
- Site access control
- Enhances site security
- Automated alerts of unauthorised vehicles
- Traffic monitoring
- Parking overstay management
- Assist in reducing staff costs
- A complete ANPR solution with integrated hardware and software
ANPR software consequently is widely already effective for use in highly congested areas such as:-
Hospitals, Service stations, Retail, Leisure parks, Hotels.
If you would like a bespoke service tailor made to your requirements then it is especially relevant that you see our bespoke ANPR solution below.
Bespoke ANPR Solution
At Prime Digital we understand that each car park is a unique space, and with that in mind we are able to offer our customers a tailor made solution that’s right just for you.
We have developed our own source code,as a result, we can create a bespoke system that specifically meets your requirements.
By using our software and our highest resolution ANPR cameras you can have a cost effective but very accurate solution to your parking issues.
The ANPR software can be adapted in different ways :-
Full graphical reporting tailored to your requirements
Development of detailed driver/vehicle profiles
Monitoring of vehicle speeds
For a tailor made system please contact us on 01483 608588