The introduction of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems in town centres has been proven effective in both cutting and detecting crime and because of this the public community can feel reassured of a safer environment when they are out and about.

Types of offences that can lead to arrests which are detectable via CCTV include:

  • Shoplifting
  • Pick-pocketing
  • Dealing of drugs
  • Assault
  • Unauthorised taking of motor vehicles
  • Public order offences
  • Driving /Parking offences

Town centre cameras are operated under a strict code of practice to comply with legal requirements. CCTV systems are generally owned by the council but in some areas these are jointly owned in partnership with the local police authority. Monitored by manned control rooms the security officers have very close links to the local police that are patrolling in the area to make them aware as soon as an offence takes place.

As an accredited national security inspectorate (NSI) gold and CHAS provider,our clients can rest assured that their security is both built and installed to the highest standard, for more information please contact us.