Regular maintenance of your CCTV and Access Control  is important since it helps ensure that your system works properly, and choosing to have it done will help ensure maximum performance and in many cases may even improve the overall functionality of your  system. We maintain all makes and models of existing security systems and with our annual service agreements you can be guaranteed a reliable system.

We offer an annual support contract which can be tailor made if you require a more bespoke service agreement.

Our current Service agreement includes the following :-

  1. Status Monitoring Admin & Monthly Reports
  2. Daily Status Monitoring Fault Reports
  3. Remote Access Admin
  4. Site Drawing Admin
  5. System Software Updates

In addition our standard callout charges apply:-

  1. Callouts (including 1st hour on site) £100
  2. Hourly work on site (or remote) £50/hr
  3. 15 Minute Remote work £15/15 minutes
  4. Materials as required
  5. Extended Camera Warranty (after 1st years warranty) £35/camera up to 5 years then £70/camera up to 10 years

Other services e offer are :-

  • Security Audits
  • System Requirement Reports
  • System Design Documentation
  • Upgrading Legacy Systems
  • Repair of Existing Systems
  • Camera Coverage Triangles on Google Map Prepared for your site